A couple of years ago, we received a grant from HP. In that time we have used the grant to make a magazine about the Otay Valley Regional Park, a virtual bike ride through the park, and a lot of collaboration across Elementary/Middle/High School Students. HP is looking for votes on what you think was the best use of their grant to see who they would fund again. Check out our video below and then follow the instructions to vote for us or anyone else. There's only one week left and it would ensure we are able to continue to provide amazing opportunities for the students.

To vote go to the EduInnovation channel on YouTube. Search "mind collisions" in the space on the right like you see in the picture on the right.
Then click on the thumbs up sign to vote.
Thanks for helping! This grant made a lot of really cool learning happen and students had some wonderful experiences. We will be presenting the Virtual Bike Ride at ISTE 2011 and we would love to see you there!
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