It required me to relearn Parametric Equations, refine my knowledge of Class Objects, learn the controlls functions in VPython and push the boundaries of my computer's memory.
In order to run this code you will need:
Python 2.6 - The interpreter for the code. Check out the programming page if you would like to know more about implementing Python or programming in your classroom.
VPython - The visual add on for Python.
Psyco - Speeds up the code significantly so I could run it on older laptops. If you don't want it or need it, feel free to delete the first couple of lines (before the "from visual")
Enjoy the pictures and the code below, and please share any great code you have or suggestions.
Spirograph Maker inspired by
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 | import psyco psyco.full() from visual import arange,curve,color,cos,sin,display,rate from visual.controls import controls, slider,label iterations = input('How many iterations?') class spiro(): def __init__(self,iterations): self.R = 65.0 #Radius of Fixed Circle self.r = 43.0 #Radius of Moving Circle self.o = 75.0 #offset of pen point in moving circle self.t = arange(0,iterations,1) self.drawing = curve(x = ((self.R+self.r)*cos(self.t) - (self.r+self.o)*cos(((self.R+self.r)/self.r)*self.t)), y = ((self.R+self.r)*sin(self.t) - (self.r+self.o)*sin(((self.R+self.r)/self.r)*self.t)), color = def fixedRadius(self,fRadius): self.R = fRadius.value self.redraw() def rollingRadius(self,rRadius): self.r = rRadius.value self.redraw() def penOffset(self,pOffset): self.o = pOffset.value self.redraw() def redraw(self): self.drawing.x = ((self.R+self.r)*cos(self.t) - (self.r+self.o)*cos(((self.R+self.r)/self.r)*self.t)) self.drawing.y = ((self.R+self.r)*sin(self.t) - (self.r+self.o)*sin(((self.R+self.r)/self.r)*self.t)) class GUI(): def __init__(self): self.c = controls(x=0,y=0,width=400, height = 400, range=100) self.s1 = slider(pos=(0,40),width=7, length=40, axis=(1,0,0),min=1,max=100,action=lambda: Spirograph.fixedRadius(self.s1)) self.s2 = slider(pos=(0,0),width=7, length=40, axis=(1,0,0),min=1,max=100,action=lambda: Spirograph.rollingRadius(self.s2)) self.s3 = slider(pos=(0,-40),width=7, length=40, axis=(1,0,0),min=1,max=100,action=lambda: Spirograph.penOffset(self.s3)) self.fixedRadiusLabel = label(pos=self.s1.pos, display = self.c.display, text='Fixed Radius', line = 0, xoffset=0, yoffset=20, height=10, border=0) self.rollingRadiusLabel = label(pos=self.s2.pos, display = self.c.display, text='Rolling Radius', line = 0, xoffset=0, yoffset=20, height=10, border=0) self.penOffsetLabel = label(pos=self.s3.pos, display = self.c.display, text='Pre-Offset', line = 0, xoffset=0, yoffset=20, height=10, border=0) self.scene1 = display(title = 'Spirograph!', x=410, y=0, width=400, height = 400) WYSIWYG = GUI() Spirograph = spiro(iterations) while(1): WYSIWYG.c.interact() |
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